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Dana, US

"This is my place where I let the emotions flow.  I don’t feel I have always the freedom or the safety to feel my emotions.  Our sessions have allowed me to do that, which is good, I didn’t really expect that, I don’t know what I expected.  I didn’t realise I was holding my feelings back.  I didn’t want to engage with my own emotions, I’m glad I have more awareness and understanding."

François, France

"In our last session you have helped me to understand the difference between making my partner happy and avoiding she's unhappy. Now I am clear on what I had to do and what I wanted to do, and it is a nice feeling."

Sara, UK

"Therapy has helped me become more self-aware I think, and to consider other peoples' perspectives. In the past, I would often assume to know other people's feelings, or interpret their actions against me as deliberate, which was often not the case. But I've also learned that sometimes I will never know exactly what people are feeling, and I can only deal with how I'm feeling. 
It helped me to set boundaries and I also learned a lot about relationship dynamics, not just in the beginning of relationships, but in the end, and I've had to put that to use a lot in recent times. 
What helped me most was learning to communicate better. Although I grew up in a relatively stable family dynamic, we have never communicated well, and I have always struggled with that, and probably always will. But I've learned to persevere through difficult conversations, knowing that they need to be had, rather than shy away from."
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